I have not been keeping up with my blog posts lately. Beginner’s block, probably. Trying too hard to find a fitting story, making it too big a deal. I assume it happens to all of us. The need to live up to a certain self imposed standard – well, big surprise, it did not work.
So much has been happening in the events world in 2011. I have been running around like crazy to keep up with it all. It used to be checking out a few databases and a few websites besides my day-to-day work, and it became al lot more. Blogs, slideshares, webinars, online events, tweetchats, …almost as if I was leading two lives, a f2f and an online one. So much going on, so many channels to follow. And it was all so worthwhile, so interesting, so inspiring. I felt like my son in a games store… just could not get enough.
Until the cup runneth over.
How much do I actually NEED? Maybe less is more, once again.
So here’s my New Year’s resolution that I will try to apply to everything from now on. And yes, I can apply it to meetings and events. Especially in a time when we can do virtually everything at any time and place. From now on I will keep it SLOW, SMALL and SIMPLE.
Slow is the magic word. Slow as in “slow cooking” when it comes to trendwatching and writing reports. Taking the time to let ideas grow and mature, and allowing myself to take that time. Let the ingredients mix and give their full flavor before I make up my mind. No rush decisions, no quick analysis. And mind you, I will not become a turtle. I will still get the job done pretty fast. And as a delegate? I will not jump onto all opportunities given to me, will look at the big picture and focus. Set my goals and then find my way. True ROI. So maybe a little less random learning, and a bit more reflecting.
Small in my resolution means delicate, fragile, personal. No big messages out to all, but a person to person message. Staying close to home and close to heart, so to speak. And keeping it focused and true. Maybe I will get it wrong more often, but I will learn more. This is how I hope to interact in events as well. Personal, building relationships. More unconference, less keynotes. Working and learning together. Actually, in that respect small means that I need to share more – a big idea, come to think of it.
Simple is never easy. I tend to give people more than they ask for and this confuses them. It gets the message blurred, unfortunately. I just get carried away .... There is so much good research out there, so many interesting leads to follow, so many topics to discuss. There is always a reason to do a little bit extra. And in a way I can still do that, as long as the output is focused and clear. Hah, it really IS that simple.
Last but not least: keeping it simple is the best way to keep it slow and small, too.
So the next event that I attend will find me focused, attending a prepared selection of sessions, interacting with heart and head. Just having a great time learning and interacting. Can’t wait….