Friday, July 1, 2011

Good old fashioned multi-tasking

I do it all the time: talk on the phone, and at the same time answer an e-mail on an entirely different topic. Or listen to a webinar while I am ironing, catching only a few of the slides  
That makes me less productive, I read in articles that say true focus is key. They have a point, maybe. But being able to wonder a bit, to zoom in and out of focus, helps me see things in a better perspective.
How would that work at a conference, I wonder?  Just a thought.
At most conferences, delegates with mobile devices constantly shift focus form mobile screen to keynote speaker, typing while listening, tweeting or checking mail. Nothing new here. But what if that was taken a step further?
Can you see attendants knitting during a keynote? Or husking corn while brainstorming in a breakout session?  They could even cook their meal together. I don’t see why not, to be honest. Merge some social activity into the conference room. Business/leisure, old skool.
As I was writing just now, I started a fruit cobbler which is filling my kitchen with blueberry and cake smells. There is some butter on my Caps Lock and I forgot a few words, but otherwise both activities were truly rewarding. And that is a good feeling – not to mention that I get to eat some of the results.


  1. Sanne,

    Some very interesting food for thought here. One thing I don't think event planners consider when designing events, is that there is actual research showing a link between brain development and using your hands.

    For some people, it is easier to absorb information when their hands are engaged in a task. This is something Joan Eisenstodt obviously has in mind when she sets up the conference room for her open space conference W2W. There are rounds stocked with craft supplies and attendees are encouraged to keep busy this way WHILE they are absorbing the discussions that are taking place.

    I found this type of set up much more stimulating on may levels than a traditional theater-style seating arrangement.

    Thanks for the post!

  2. Thanks for your comment Jenise! I just read your Eventprov blogpost on the W2W conference: that really sounds like an amazing event. Scary, but very rewarding.
    I wonder if there is a difference between male and female conference participation when it comes to multi-tasking?
