The other week I was going through some old files, just looking if there were any data or details that I needed to get into the main database. And it struck me, that these pieces of paper really showed the big changes we have had in communication and connecting. In a way, a history just like the rings on a tree. Busy years with a lot of letters and brochures , and slow years with almost no communication at all.
The best files are the oldest ones. You can see a change in pace, vocabulary and technology instantly.
We used to send letters in a very formal tone of voice and keep the carbon copies of them. So the file of association X starts in the ‘70’s, with these formal letters and replies. If there were urgent issues, a telex was sent. In the 80’s things were getting less formal, but we still kept in touch via letters. The occasional fax message appears in the files. Funny thing, we had to put in a request to send a fax and needed to get approvals signed by a manager before we were entitled to send it….imagine. Then in the 90’s, communication via internet kicks in. The latest entries in file X are printouts of important e-mails, a signed contract (yey!) and a message to check the database. Hah. I feel like an archaeologist.
Interesting to see how we connected with our customers and stakeholders over the decades.. . next to face to face, obviously.
Did we do a good job? Probably…but it’s a new world now. We are connected all the time. We talk via mail and social media, via whatsapp and other tools, wherever we are - mobile and free. We are updated on a real-time basis, and are used to getting answers to our questions even before we send them..
In 2013, “let’s stay in touch” means keeping the conversation going all the time. It means being in touch with machines, objects and services, as well as talking to friends, delegates, companies and clients. Whoa. Talk about connecting…
What does this mean for the events industry? How do we merge all these connections into our face to face meetings? We are talking with delegates, exhibitors and other stakeholders on a day to day basis. How do we do that? Are we truly connected all the time?
I often see events with “see you next year” banners at the exit . Pretty old skool, don’t you think? I hope to see “see you tomorrow” pretty soon…
(inspiration for this blogpost came from our new Connected Society report. Made me feel both nostalgic AND anxious for the future J . If you like, have a look and let me know what you think: http://www.rai.nl/en/amsterdam-rai/News-Press/nieuws/Pages/Connected-Society.aspx
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