Thursday, December 18, 2014

How to make the most of Trend Reports

It’s that time of year again…we are looking back AND looking ahead. How did we do this year? What awaits us around the corner? Which events, trends, and changes will the world see? How will this impact our lives and companies? It is a time in which many companies , bloggers and organizations share their thoughts about the future. To be honest, it is getting hard to avoid the posts that include a vision of 2015…

Well, first of all, I’m also guilty of sending out a trend report. True, it is looking a bit further ahead, but still. We also have a vision on future events and think it is a view worth sharing. So below you will find the link – just in case J.
However, the thing I personally like most about it, is the way how we made it. And that is something worth sharing, too.

In the meetings industry we are with many different stakeholders. Organizers, exhibitors, sponsors, convention centers, hotels, cities, planners, associations - and many more. We all have our goals, strategies, five-year plans, etcetera. We organize large and small events, meetings for 5 and meetings for 5000. We are involved in events once a year or every day. So reading all those trend reports can be a bit daunting. There is so much out there…are all trends equally important? Will we be left behind if we don’t change according to latest technology? How do we fit trends into our goals?

At RAI, I have been making an internal trend report for many years. Using information from industry associations, economic sources, trade journals, and so on. I read a lot during the year, and in the summer I combine the main trends that impact our own company and share them.  This year, we had a different approach. We had several sessions with colleagues from different parts of the company and discussed the past as well as the future . An extensive “from….to…..” exercise, combining the energy and knowledge of my colleagues with their valuable insights from clients and stakeholders: exhibitors, visitors, organizers, suppliers, builders, local government and so on.  An inspiring track, that in the end resulted in a clear picture of how we see events evolve. Not by reading the trends, but by living them.

Some takeaways from our sessions:
  • Take your time – most trends do not happen overnight. Distinguish between trend and hype.
  • Involve all – trends happen on the show floor, as well as  in the boardroom.
  • Look beyond your own industry – there are big learnings when looking at your neighbors.
  • Find the common ground – often trends are part of a bigger change. If you identify that, you can make better choices.
  • Never lose focus – always keep your own goals in mind.
  • Ask your stakeholders – they can tell you where they see change and expect value.
  • Make choices that are fit for you – always translate trends into the shape and size of your own needs.
  • Start small – trial and error is part of the game, allow for the experiment.
  • Step into the future! – because let’s face it, can you do otherwise? I think not. Embracing change is crucial.
So  get all those trend reports and start making them your own. Happy reading!
As promised the link: . Wld be interested in feedback :-)

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