Sunday, December 22, 2013

Shared experiences

Remember that session when the speaker turned a tech failure into a tech success?  Or the ICCA network event when we tasted Dutch herring? Or the great fun we had in an Amsterdam pod connected to EventCamp Twin Cities?  

Well you probably do not – unless you were there.  But you have other memories  of events and tradeshows much like mine.  And more of them , I know most #eventprofs  get out a bit more than I do :-) . But that is not my point here.. it is about the power of events.

We share the same experience of venue, program, tradeshow, booths, sessions. The event provides a common ground, a framework and a shared interest even before we say Hello.

We are all out of our comfort zone, in a different setting, out of our day-to-day routine. That makes us more eager to connect and reach out to others.  And if we  already know people from previous events, even better. Than we can add another chapter  to our joint story.

That is why events, conferences and tradeshows  are so effective and irreplaceable. You do not just remember  the content and innovations, you also include the people you meet . They become a part of the story, and often turn into long term, valuable relations.

And  we keep running into each other. Through face to face meetings  maybe, but also online. We connect and re-connect in the events LinkedIn groups, on its Facebook pages, websites or via  hashtags. Giving us another umbrella to build relationships.

In fact the phrase ” long term relationships through a shared experience” was one of the tweets I sent  during an online event, the weekly #expochat that  @tracibrowne invented .  Another  way of building relationships…and a great way to share experiences!

Probably this topic was  inspired by the festive season, peace on earth, bringing people together and all that, but nevertheless it’s true.  

So any resolutions for next year? Adding to the story, I guess. Happy 2014!