Monday, July 30, 2012

A day in the life……

Making a case for role-rotation. An all-day role rotation. On every platform.
For better hybrid events.

We all heard about job rotation. In a company, people from cleaning and sales, procurement and security, catering and traffic – you name it - change responsibilities for a day and get a better understanding of the challenges, perks, needs and gains of  a certain role within an organization.

How would this translate to events? Given the fact that we have organizers AND delegates in the same “company”? And, to make it even more challenging: given the fact that we have participants online?

I know that organizers participate in events as delegates and that delegates can be caterers in their day-to-day job – but that is not what I mean. I mean a deliberate change of roles for a day. For a specific new stakeholder group: the hybrid event organizers. 

Do we really know how a virtual delegate spends its “event day”? 
The thing is: we don’t see them at the event. So how can we “get” their involvement? I think that there is still a gap we need to close.

How can we close it? By stepping in the shoes of our virtual attendees. Totally. Change places. Learn about their knowledge of programs and tech. Their workload and anticipation. Their knowledge and expectations about virtual events…and invite them to step into our shoes.

So if you would participate virtually instead of organize.. realistically? Take it from someone who’s been there:

- you are working partly during the event and missing some sessions
- you often do not know beforehand which platform you will be required to have
- you will miss the first moments because of tech hick-ups – yours.
- you will not know beforehand which gaming aspect is used and what you need to do for it. ( Let alone how much time you are required to spend on it)
- you will not know beforehand who else is participating and how to get to know them

Would that change your perspective?  Working away and stopping to dowload programs, finding a way to follow a schedule that requires an all day involvement in between meetings and lunch?  Would it make you design "light" hybrids?  
I'd love to hear....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The ROI of 5000 tweets

Once in a while I need a momentum to reflect on time spent, and to see if it was time spent well.
So there it is: almost 5000 tweets, not much for some, a lot for others.

How did I do on spending my time? And why did I start tweeting in the first place? Have to say, that ROI was not top of mind at first. Experimenting and learning was…
I started in the second half of 2009 wanting to find out if there were any conference and exhibition people out there, people I might know. Had no idea what to expect. Well, there were not many in the Netherlands but as soon as I found out how to search and navigate and who to follow things went their own way.
Only time, but lots of it. There is no way I can say that it only took minutes. Evenings spent reading, looking at hashtags, following conversations, looking up links and searching for old and new friends. I did not document the spent time that well but at least an hour every single day might be right. Maybe more. And much more, if you count the time reading blogs and links.
A network of great people around the globe that are working in the events industry, sharing their ideas and views, giving an insight into their worlds and bringing up topics that are worth discussing in tweetchats or blogs. A world of knowledge that unfolds and presents itself, only if you are willing to participate. Communicate. And share as well.
Learning of events related initiatives, new events, organizers, networks, research, reports, all the trends in the meetings industry on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes by just asking. Often in a tweetchat.
New friends and a better understanding of old ones, finding it easier to start conversations with complete strangers.
Re-connecting in other networks by linking my tweets
The phrase “just do it” for a non sportsperson finally making sense: the start of this blog, encouraged by @jenisefryatt, and the start of a tweetchat for #euventprofs. The results are not always encouraging (last chats were pretty low on people) but the fact that you can just start something and see where it goes was a great revelation. Know what you want and see if it works. Just do it, dare to fail. And that is a pretty big lesson.
So was it worth it?   Personally? Oh yes. Professionally? Oh yes. Ready for my next 5000!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Show and tell –a junior conference?

guess what David´s talk was about...

To start with: in The Netherlands there is no such thing as “show and tell” that American schools have; we are not taught to speak in public. So when we do, it is a big occasion. It is a once- in –a-year kind of thing.
The past few weeks all children in my son’s class (he is 11) we assigned a “spreekbeurt”, a Dutch word that literally means a “turn to speak”.

The rules for this class assignment were simple: talk in front of the class for 15 minutes, chose a subject that is a bit more complicated that “my cat”, have five research questions that include some history of the subject,  make a visual presentation in Powerpoint, and use your own words,  preferably refraining from written notecards (as we Dutch would call, spiekbriefjes).

I could not shake the idea that for them it was comparable to speaking at a conference.  Being a bit anxious,  checking your facts over and over again, trying out  several versions of your Powerpoint (best stay safe, there might not be a good connection for a Prezi). And then, at last, standing in front of your peers, connecting with them.
The funny thing is, as my son returned from school with his remarks about the presentations, he sounded like the content of some of the conference blogs I read:

Do not read your Powerpoint sentence by sentence: it kills your story. And try to use as little text as possible.

If you are not teaching your peers anything new,  you are merely filling time. Be critical.

No matter how nervous you are, own your story and tell it form the heart: authenticity works and your passion will shine through.

Do not stand still. Move around and engage all of your audience by asking questions during your talk; do not forget the people in the back of the room.

Have humor, make a joke, wake up tour audience every five minutes or so: their attention span is not that big and they will remember that they laughed.

It’s all about experience: If you talk about ”911” and you know an ambulance driver, let him drive it to the school and show the real thing.

Engage your audience: share your story, don’t just tell it. Encourage questions and ask them.

Give a speaker immediate feedback and share it with the group : learning points are not just  for the speaker.

Nice tips, thank you class 7b! Sounds like good advice for me, too. I wish I could be more often in this classroom, I would probably  pick up some great tips for my day-to-day work routine as well. I wonder what we would learn if we could let them stage  a trade show J