Sunday, October 23, 2011

The tree of life…as in live meetings?

It is autumn again, and leaves are falling from the trees, some boring black and grey, some stunning red and orange. It won’t be long until trees are showing their incredible structures again, bare branches and trunks showing balance and rhythm.

I like bare trees, I always think about a tree like structure when I am working at big projects. What is the main question, what are the side steps, where are the roots of the problem? What is the soil we are working with? How long do we have to grow the tree? What is expected of it? Fruit? Shade? Are we looking for an apple or a pine?  
In a way a tree can be a metaphor for a meeting or trade show, too. Not in the sense of looking at young or mature events, or the product life-cycle, but by looking at a perfect season. See your event as a tree during spring, summer, fall and winter. What does it tell you each season? And what do you need to do to keep it healthy?
I can use our plum tree (beautiful yellow Mirabelle de Nancy) for this. It is our only tree, we have a small back yard. We grew it from scratch and it took years and years before there were any flowers, let alone plums. And then, when it finally decided to flower and bear fruit, it gave us more than we could handle. Enabling us to share its results.

New leaves are growing. The sap streams are starting a new year in the tree, and it is ready to lose the branches it does not need. The tree has its flowers and looks stunning. When the blossom fades, leaves are growing bigger.
Suppose this is the time of your live event: look at it in full bloom and decide where it needs changes. Use feedback from delegates and visitors, now is the time that they are actually experiencing it. Learn to enjoy your event: the live meeting lasts only a short while..   
The tree bears fruit, size and sweetness depending on the hours of sunshine. Bad summers result in fewer and smaller plums, but even they provide a harvest. The tree attracts bees and other animals. Leaves are in full shape. Fruits are given to friends and neighbors; they can use them as they want.
This is the ROI time of your event. Your delegates and visitors are back home, and should be feasting on the knowledge and experience you provided, depending on the surroundings they can share them with. And use it in various ways: blending in with their specific work environment or needs.
The leaves are falling. Sometimes slowly, but often it only takes a few autumn storms to blow all leaves on the grass (of the neighbors house, most likely). The tree gets bare and I see its shape again, after a period of growing and changing. What is different?
Perfect timing to reflect on your event. Do you still like what you see? Where do you need to make changes?  
When a tree sleeps, it is ready to be moved if there is a need to do so. It can get used to new soil and can endure changes. Also, it is getting itself ready for a new season. Even though the tree might look bare, you can already see the buds of new leaves taking shape.
So anything you want to change, do it now. Perfect timing for behind the scenes work, setting out new strategies, finding new points of view. In winter the year changes, and we are all ready for a new beginning. Ready to get involved in new things, or have energy again to revive old ones.
To enjoy the blossom of a next year.
( of course the fruits of this tree can serve as an example for the year round online presence that supports your event. Preserved as in a video still, to be eaten at any time, be it on bread, in a glass or over ice cream) ...
What can I say. I just like making comparisons... will try something else next time.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Are you ready for “Family” meetings ?

The other night I was reading  about generational studies in events. Organizers and exhibitors trying to cope with Generation Y, trying to encourage them to come to their conferences and exhibitions. Searching for answers to this generation’s abundant use of technology, short attention span, here-and-now mentality, and need for instant gratification. Finding a balance between Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y.

Wait a minute. Where do I recognize this from?

When I look at my personal environment, such as my family, I see all sorts of age groups sharing space, life and interests. What would happen if I use my own family as an inspriration for events?
I know it is not a good idea to bring your work  “back home”, but in this case it might just work.  Not because I like to work from home (sorry family!), but because my home environment can bring inspiration to the workplace.

Take a family birthday a few weeks ago. Remote (phonecalls, emails) and live (parents, children, grandchildren) attendees. If I were to look at it as a “conference specialist” , we had a  main conference, breakout sessions, catering breaks and  a keynote speaker. Attended by  at least 3 different generations, both online and face to face.  

So what made it work?

Know your audience
Make sure you know who to expect at your party! Have plans for all age groups and interests, but remember that they are all coming to the event because of you, the topic, the cause. So don’t overdo your segmentation and leave room for improvisation, unconference. Small groups are pretty good in organizing themselves.

Find common ground
Even though our lifestyles can be very different, we all have someting in common. Our DNA, anyway. And just as in any other community that is formed around a topic,  profession or interest,  you do not get to choose the members. They form the group that shares your interest, and that is a great starting point. Be part of the community, and learn about them.

The young teach the old
New technology can be overwhelming, and use of tech tools changes every month. Let key users, the ones that were born after the birth of the internet,  show you how they use it, and why. It helps to shape an event into a hybrid that all age groups can enjoy, with maybe shorter sessions and more Q&A. And more screen time…

The old teach the young
Learning from stories and experiences is so important. Talking to industry leaders and hearing about both best practices and failures, engaging in Q&A sessions ….. it makes younger attendees connect with the industry’s history, and be part of it. Share an experience. Bond.

Let’s face it: we live with different generations every single day, and  catering for different age groups at events is in our system  anyway. So pick your familiy:  All in the Family, Married with Children,  Modern  Family…  and transform it into a family meeting.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dare to share ! (and a big THANK YOU)

When I ask my son about stuff at his school, he often doesn’t answer right away. Reluctant to tell his mother the full story, I guess. Not willing to share all discussions he has with his friends and classmates. I understand  that, and unless there is a real problem, this is OK. I do not need to know everything. Let him have his own world.
I am just like him, in a way. Often I try to find my own solution for professional challenges. I can spend hours and hours writing, planning, researching and summarizing. Knowing that I can get the job done. Often not realizing that maybe I can do a better job if I consult a few peers.
However, sharing your story can help. It  helps if you are a 10 year old struggling with a show and tell, but also if you are a meeting planner trying to find new conference formats .
Ask a few questions. Listen to a few different opinions. Share your own views. Dare to share.
Bottom line: if you dare to share your thoughts and ideas, you will benefit. It is that simple. Find listeners in colleagues, industry peers, neighbors, friends…different ears hear the same story in different ways, and will give you a diverse feedback that can help you find solutions you would otherwise not have found. Better still, share with people that you might not even know. To get a fresh view.
Why am I going on about this? Simple.
On October 3rd I will start a weekly chat on Twitter for European event professionals. Inspired by the event professionals community on Twitter, a great bunch of people that showed me that sharing ideas, views, thoughts and challenges in the events industry can be rewarding and inspiring. Can be provocative and scary. Can be hard and confronting. Can be caring and helpful. Can be fun and full of laughs. But always leave behind a few good ideas that can help you.
The chats by groups using hashtags such as #eventprofs, #engage365, #expochat, #assnchat showed me communities that are keen on educating and sharing experiences. Giving insights in events, organizers, exhibitors, venues, delegates, technology, you name it. From day to day routines to global trends. Open discussions, with people giving their opinions freely. No holding back.
Such a great learning experience… so a big THANK YOU is due.
And I hope that maybe we can follow your example.. by providing a platform for European event professionals to share their thoughts. Let’s give it a try. Dare to share! (by the way, #euventprofs will be the thing to look for…)