Saturday, February 15, 2014

Not so fast!!!

( OK, true. It’s probably me, not you.)

Things happen at an incredible pace. I might be getting old, but in my younger days (talking about the 80’s here) we had at least a year or so to get used to new ideas and ways of living. We had an economic crisis as well, I might add, and no internet. So things were slower anyway. The world was a different place. 
Hah!  A real-time Google hangout with #eventprofs friends was science fiction.   

Still, when it comes to introducing new ideas and technology to events now, I think an 80’s approach might not be such a bad idea. 

Because let’s face it:

Apps are great, but not all attendees have smartphones and with the majority of them still figuring out the “smart” basics, it might be pushing it to get them to follow all the great things we include: games, online networking, real-time stats on popular booths and sessions....
Yes we need those, but be patient.
It might take a few years to really get the most out of it. In the meantime: educate and allow your app to grow with your audience.  All segments of it.  So cater for all generations :-).

Hybrid events. I believe they are definitely here to stay, but do not expect all your potential  remote attendees to sign in for the full experience and understand how to proceed.  For a first time attendee it’s confusing, and before you know it, you’ve lost them. Be smart in you hybrid strategy and start with a few  well stocked hours … easy to manage and just enough  to send a positive vibe that might just give that extra commitment you are aiming for.

..and everything else. 
I love new tech incorporated into events, but once tech takes over, the event itself loses. Smart segmentation and careful  distribution and key here. Make sure that you do not alienate your stakeholders!

Crowdsourced venues, hologram speakers, robot attendees: I’m all for it, but keep in mind that your average doctor or scientist might not have read the latest articles in Wired…. 
Give it time.

Yes. Let’s use technology to make our events better. Absolutely. But also remember the pace that our industry is moving in: one step at the time.